Goblin Forest Mt Egmont/Mt Taranaki

This is a beautiful place.  I have been waiting for a while to get some images of the Goblin Forest when the mist and drizzle has come down and that surreal, gothic look is there.  Last week, after around three or four previous trips, the right weather arrived.  Armed with wet gear, umbrella (not easy in the bush), camera, tripod etc I tramped through the various tracks…  Some images from this ‘expedition’ are on Recent Images (best one at the start).  Because of the weather and low light the shots were taken on the tripod at around 1-2 seconds, f/16, ISO 200, with 24 – 120mm lens (at 24mm).  All a bit wet so have to keep the brolly over the camera and use lens cloth to keep lens clean and free from rain drops etc…  But the images were worth it I think.  The best track, which involves the least walking, would be the Ngatoro Loop Track accessed from the North Egmont Visitor Centre.

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